Pet Zapper - Frequency Zapper

Pet Zapper


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Our Pets suffer from  Pathogens, probably more so given the environment they live in!

To help them to Eliminate Animal Virus! We have produced a Zapper specifically designed for the pet owner.

The bands supplied will fit around most animals legs

Simply attach the elasticated bands to a convenient leg and switch on the machine,

The automatic cycle is 7 min treatment followed by a 30 min rest three times.

For the first two days we suggest a single 7 min session to monitor the pets reaction, if all is well then continue with the full course. at least 2 times a week.

Electrode on Sam's paw






Sometimes our pets do not like having attachments to the legs! the solution is included with the Pet Zapper, a silver thread cotton band which can easily be placed under the pet whilst it rests, this will give the required treatment provided it is in contact with the animals body, for added comfort we suggest turning the band inside out so the contact plug is inside the band, or simply turn the band over.

Bed bandsCotton Pet electrode band

We Supply

  • 1x Pet Zapper
  • 2x Wrist Bands
  • 1x Silver Thread Cotton Cuff Band
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1 review for Pet Zapper

  1. Stefania Roberto Makaronas

    Stefania Roberto MakaronasFrequency Healing
    6 July at 17:16 ·
    Hello.. I just wanted to share an interesting animal story we experienced recently.
    Our dog Enzo, has a bit of a sensitive digestive system and we are frequently taking him to the vets with gastro and stomach bugs.
    On this occasion, after 2 days of Severe doggy diarrhoea we had decided to take him to the vets on day 3 if no improvement… however that evening he was feeling very sorry for himself and my husband suddenly remembered the virus zapper that we had. We set him up on the programme and he laid with it on with no fuss.
    The next morning lo and behold he was back to his normal happy self and his stools were back completely solid again. Normally it takes a few days to become right again with medication from the vets. We were amazed at the result and would definitely recommend to others in the same situation! Thank you 🙏🏻

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